Community Medical Doctors

Community Medical Doctors2019-06-25T10:41:51+00:00

HSE Community Medical Doctors

You need to make an appointment to see doctors in:

  1. Child Health Clinics
  2. Immunisation Clinics

Read more about both of these clinics below.

Child Health Clinics

Your child may have been invited to come to to a child health clinic after a review of their health in school (preschool or primary school).

What conditions do doctors  check at the clinic?

At the clinic, the types of conditions doctors check include a child’s:

  • sight
  • hearing
  • speech and language development
  • behaviour
  • learning
  • bone and muscle development (‘orthopaedic’)
  • growth and developmental issues like delayed walking

What happens after this check?

After the first check, the doctor may do one of the following three options.

  • They may refer your child to a specialist doctor called a paediatrician (a specialist doctor for children and adolescents).
  • They may refer your child to disability services like Enable Ireland or the Brothers of Charity
  • The doctor may also ask some children to come back to the clinic for a follow-up check.

How do I make an appointment for a child?

To make an appointment for your child to come to the clinic please ring 021 492 3282

Where is the clinic?

It is on the ground floor of the centre.

How do I get referred to this service?

Usually, your public health nurse or by a school nurse will refer your child to the clinic, but we also accept referrals from GPs (doctors), parents, teachers, health professionals and assessment of need officers. You can ring for an appointment, and the office in Cork city will send you  a letter confirming the  appointment .

Immunisation Clinic

School children who have missed any part of the national immunisation schedule can get their vaccine in a  Immunisation Clinic. You need to make an appointment to come to this clinic with your child.

Junior infants receive vaccinations  against:

  • Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis (whooping cough)
  • Polio
  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella (booster dose).

Secondary-school students receive vaccinations against:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (boosters dose)
  • Meningitis C (booster dose)
  • HPV ().

Contact phone number:

Immunisation appointments:  021 492 3281

Where is the clinic?

It is on the ground floor of the centre.

How do I get my child seen (referred to) at the clinic?

As a parent or guardian, you can ring to make an appointment for your child. Please just call the number above.

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