Counselling in Primary Care

Counselling in Primary Care2019-06-24T11:15:46+00:00

Counselling in Primary Care (CIPC) is a short-term counselling service that provides up to eight counselling sessions with a qualified and accredited counsellor or psychotherapist.

This service is for adults (over 18 years) who have a medical card and who are experiencing difficulties like:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • panic reactions
  • loss issues
  • stress
  • relationship problems

Contact phone number:

021 468 1040

Contact email:

Where do I go for this service?

You go to the ground floor of Carrigaline Primary Care Centre.

How do I get referred to this service?

Your GP (doctor) or other healthcare professionals can refer you directly in writing for an appointment They will also give you details on how to set up an appointment.

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